Meet our 2023 Taskforce Kiwi Volunteer Award Winners
Having only been founded in 2022, this is Taskforce Kiwi's inaugural annual awards, giving us an opportunity to reflect on the immense effort put in by all of our volunteers over the past 12 months.
It also gives us the chance to further recognise volunteers we think are worthy of extra shout-out.
Here are the five recipients of the 2023 Taskforce Kiwi awards, nominated by fellow volunteers in recognition of their efforts over the past year:
The True Grit Award: Duane Old
For the TFK volunteer who shed the most blood, sweat and tears to get the job done.
The Engine Room Award: Peter Adams
For the TFK volunteer who’s efforts powered rest of the team in the field.
The Community Whisperer Award: Gina Eccersall
For the TFK volunteer who has put the communities we serve first, ensuring that community needs are met.
The Lead from the Front Award: Alistair Richardson
For the TFK volunteer who's leadership has inspired and motivated others.
The Unsung Hero Award: Grant Marshall
For the TFK volunteer who flies under the radar, putting in the hard yards in support of others.
Congratulations to our five recipients and thank you for your hard mahi this year!